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Poi Facts Last Updated: Nov 19th, 2004 - 11:10:49

Poi Facts
What Is Poi Anyway?
If you're ever on a quiz show and are asked about poi, here are all the answers that you'll need. Also included is the nutritional analysis of poi from the USDA Nutritional Database.
Jul 3, 2004, 12:40

Poi Facts
What's There to Know About Poi?
Stacy Yuen Hernandez finds out everything there is to know about poi:  the Hawaiian myths, the history, packaging, and poi products today.
Jul 3, 2004, 11:40

Poi Facts
Got Poi? The Original Hawaiian Diet
Stacy Yuen Hernadez finds out what the scientists and nutritionists at the State of Hawaii and University of Hawaii think about poi.
Jul 3, 2004, 11:30

Poi Facts
Poi Milling Statistics - 3rd Quarter 2004
Hawaii's signature starch is on the rise. Poi millers utilized 1.3 million pounds of taro during the summer quarter, the Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service reports. Visit Website ]
Oct 27, 2004, 05:15

Poi Facts
Monthly Poi Cartoons
Each month The Poi Company tried to include a new cartoon on our invoices. It missed some months, but here's the complete collection of the cartoons from the archives.
Aug 2, 2004, 01:15

Poi Facts
Seasonal Demand & Changing Tastes Bring Challenges
As summer graduation parties, lu‘au and holiday picnics bring families together around the traditional foods of the islands, poi - that most essential of Hawaiian foods - is almost always in noticeably short supply. That's nothing new to the many poi afficianados, growers and producers here. Visit Website ]
Jul 20, 2004, 06:34

Poi Facts
Sign Up for Our Poi Newsletter
Back in 2000 and 2001 we did a regular poi newsletter with poi facts, recipes, etc. We're ready to start sending the e-mail newsletter again: only several a year, so we won't clog your inbox. And you can unsubscribe at any time. To subscribe, just click here >>> Visit Website ]
Jul 20, 2004, 04:55

Poi Facts
Aimoku McClellan - Na Kama'aina
Hawaiian entrepreneur Aimoku McClellan wants to deliver "Poi to the World" --- Honolulu Magazine, November 1998
Jul 4, 2004, 00:22

Poi Facts
"Poi to the World" - The History of the Poi Company
In Memorium - The Poi Company, Inc. - 1996 - 2004. We tried to bring "Poi to the World," but despite spending almost $3 million in the process, it just didn't work. Auwe!
Jul 3, 2004, 12:43